Fall is For Planting
Why plant in fall you ask?
The days are shorter, and the nights are cool. Planting in fall is the way to rule!
Plants will appreciate the cooler weather and the bright light. It gives them a head start to be big and luscious in the spring.
There is potential for a lot of rain, and this rain can provide plants the chance to grow a deep root system. An extra 5-6 months of root growth will make it easier on the plants when the hot weather arrives. Keep an eye out for hot or windy days in fall and freezing nights during the winter. Your new babies don’t want to dry out. Provide supplemental water if needed.
Insects are less active during autumn. This makes installing beneficial plants at this time a good idea. The beneficial bugs will arrive in the spring and be ready to protect your plants from the bad bugs.
The days are sunny, and the ground is warm. Plants grow better in warm soil. If they are planted when the soil is cold they will grow very slowly. You’ll be grateful to plant in mild weather compared to planting in hot weather.
Fall vegetable gardens are a great way to have fun with the kids in the garden. There is nothing fresher then vegetables from the garden.
It’s nice to have color in the garden during the autumn. It’s a great time to sit back and enjoy the fall colors and winter blush. The winter blooming plants and the spring bulbs will be happy to show their colors when their time arrives.
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