
Garden Central

Winterizing the Garden

Winterizing the Garden

As winter approaches---Think spring! By preparing your gardens for winter, you will help ensure that the landscape will flourish in the spring. Even though your garden may be looking tired and ready to rest, keeping the plants protected and healthy during this time will result in strong roots and growth when the weather starts to warm back up in the spring.

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Plant Bulbs Now for Spring Bloom

The beauty of seeing bulbs pushing their way through the soil and then blooming in the spring garden and containers is almost magical. From the early blooming crocus and snow drops to the classic yellow daffodils, the rainbow of colors of tulips, the richly scented hyacinths and the multitude of other bulbs, nothing says winter is over and spring has arrived like color swaths of bulbs in bloom.

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Fall is For Planting

Why plant in fall you ask? The days are shorter, and the nights are cool. Planting in fall is the way to rule! Plants will appreciate the cooler weather and the bright light. It gives them a head start to be big and luscious in the spring.

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